강남스타일 턱시도로 두달만에 2억번 이야기
How I’ve made $200k in less than2 months by selling Gangam Style Tuxedo

창업자가 미국으로 이사를 가야 하나요?
Shall a Korean startup founder move to the US if they want to expand in the US?

미국인의 패션에서그들의 삶을 배워보자
Why do Americans love the team logo or college named sweatshirt so much, and what cant Korean startup learn from their fashion style?

미국의민감한 흑인 이슈
Why do Americans love the team logo or college named sweatshirt so much, and what cant Korean startup learn from their fashion style?

고맥락 문화 (동양) vs 저맥락문화 (서양)
Why do Americans love the team logo or college named sweatshirt so much, and what cant Korean startup learn from their fashion style?